Friday, October 5, 2007

Re: FHS Reunion BLOG

Dear Lisa-

P.S. - I was just getting started with an FHS redux  `blog before my evening softball beckoned... click over to:

I will add all your guys "foremanreunion" emails to the list of Contributors - then all you gotta do is e-mail a "post" to start a topic/conversational thread... is the home, probably the biggest clearinghouse for a zillion or so bloggeristas! (Google bought em out a while back...) Give it a try when you have a spare moment... there are a few details I'm sure I'm forgetting, but try sending a test paragraph to the blog via this e-mail address:

You can log in and massage the message afterward... pretty darn easy once you do it a few times- you can even set up Google Ads and everything and recoup some of the costs I'm sure you guys incurred getting this whole reunion to happen (at least your person-hours!)

Anyways, again it's - 

Post to it via e-mail via: 
